Monday, December 20, 2010

the union forever.

often times sarah and i call ourselves fashion outsiders. it is true.
we live in california and handmake these pieces that people just
don't know what to do with. then we go to new york and desperately
try not to be ignored or worse written off. meanwhile we are here in
california working like slaves to for something, anything. where is the romance?
the call? yes i do resent the teachers who took and took and never gave.
well i am sorry, but i am not interested in branding, licensing, or marketing.
are we everything fashion hates.

its been raining in california, cold and wet.

sarah and kristina

ps: first batch of necklaces went out on friday

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

friends only project!!!!!!

hi all!

we have been working and working on this friends only project
which is a special treat for you our friends!!

what is this project pray-tell?

we have been working on a special set of necklaces- small little handmade chunk necklaces (as always hand made by us!) in 9 different colors. they are small, awesome and every time we give someone one i see them wearing it all the time (!) because they are not only fun to wear but they look good with everything - no i am serious i saw a friend of mine wearing one with a bathing suit once and it looked sooo coool!

and to prove this we gave these necklaces to a few friends of ours to play with and
bring into their wardrobe!

and here are the pictures!...

krissie torgerson!

zanna roberts rassi
taylor tomasi hill
zanna+jeremy lee spears

zoe glassner

natalie toren








we love the ways they wore these pieces, playing with color and layering and even chaining them together to make new pieces all together!

i hope you are already excited about these pieces and if you are not i have some more exciting news for you !

the pieces are super small release / limited time only handmade by us and they are only $20$$$$$ each!!!

we are celebrating our friends! you and we hope you like the pieces ! we hope you love them and wear them all the time and layer them and experiment with them!!!!

how could it get any better??!?!

well i am glad you asked !

we have decided to have a contest with the pieces! when you receive your necklace/s incorporate them into your warddrobe and send us the pic! sarah and i will pic our top 5! and then you vote on your fave! the winner will win a special mctega prize!!!!

- how exciting! we cannot wait to see how everybody wears their peices!!!!!!!!

(more details on contest to come!)

details on the project here:


sarah and kristina

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

john muir

hi all,

sorry to be so lax in posting, i know that is bad form.
there are a lot of things happening and not happening right now.

plus i painfully abused this thanksgiving thing, not to post.... sorry
i was in tucson and sarah is in Houston (<- not "house-ton" the way they say it in new york.)(we are the wild pair of fashion. )

while in Tucson i got a senora dog which is good but cannnnooooottttt hold a candle to the tj dog that you see littering the streets of los angeles. oh you know the one.... (if you have never visited los angeles/ don't live here, then i am sorry. oh and you should get on that .) we also used black friday to vintage clothes shop. i got a pair of very smart mens tasseled loafers (perfectly broken in might i add...) the one time it paid off to have big feet. adrian and i got maybe 14 sweaters between us (thank god it was half off day at the salvation army!). my favorite being a boys wool sweater with little white sheep all over it ( and much to my surprise after getting home and washing it ) a secret sheep that has a squeak toy in it ! i realize that may seem ridiculous but i freaked out and died laughing. then i wouldn't stop squeaking and annoying/ teasing skully (who now wants to eat said sweater. ) naughty little dog!

found a little awesome for part sarahs xmas gift (dont tell her i told you).

oh how i could go on .....




About Me

sarah and kristina mctega. we like stationary . we make stuff.