Saturday, March 28, 2009

treat for today ! scully public enemy no. 1

here at mctega we love one thing more then the immediacy of the internet, transparency of our company.
 so today we are going to introduce to you one of the biggest mctega influences and one might say our silent parter!


( he is actually a pure white dog but he just got a bath so he rolled in the mud)

wait some of you may be saying , how is a dog the third member of mctega?
well lets weight the evidence shall we?

1) you tread on scully territory and you will get hurt.
2)if he likes something he eats it this includes shoes, bags, necklaces, friends. 
3)he is actually the spawn of satan

basically we are working around his wants and needs. 

right now he is sleeping on my pillow where he tired himself out from eating an empty yogurt carton. 

want more pictures?!

ok , but dont look him in the eye......


dont say i didnt warn you .......

heart , 


Friday, March 27, 2009

sarah made me do it!

duuuhhhhh the best part of having a design partner (other then for to constantly annoy them) is to blame them for something i did... ahahah sorry sarah 

this however is not always a bad thing 
in todays episode of " sarah made me do it... "

sarah is making me post pictures of our newest necklace which by the way is def. one of our raddist...

i hope you are cring right now!!!! i bet your asking 
" what could that be? wait,  no way that an evolutionary time line ?... no .. noone is cool enough to do that "

and all i have to say to that is..  of course it is and yes we are . 

want more?! i thought so...


please take note of that octopus.

hope you like it !!!!!!!



first post jitters?! never.

sarah and kristina are blogging because they like the immediacy of the internet, however they dont like people to think they are weirdo jerks so they are going to stop referring to themselves in the third person. 

(here is a tip to know who is posting at the time:  kristina doesnt use apostrophes or sense. 
sarah likes both of those things.)

so here is what to expect in the coming posts!

*things we like :)!
*things we dont like :(!
*projects we are working on!
*sneakpeeks of our stuff as it is being made!
*did i mention fun?!?!
*things we do to waste time!
*things we dont do to save time!
*kristinas hound from hellllllllllll  

and just like that we are off! (hope you still like us!)



About Me

sarah and kristina mctega. we like stationary . we make stuff.